Thursday, January 11, 2007

NUS Hill Run on 10 Jan`07 (Wed)

With the attraction of finisher's cert and goodie bag, we had the largest turnout of 10 runners for the first NUS Hill Run of year 2007 -- nyquist, LM, fennel, DO, ronnie, cosmic_wind, DR, sotong, tktan n me. The run was scheduled to start at 7pm(half an hour later than our usual 6.30pm) so that those working in CBD can join in. Wah, DO, ronnie, cosmic_wind and sotong wore the luminous orange HWA T-shirt! After a quick group pic, we set off for the run with me leading and tktan being the sweeper.

As usual, my initial pace was faster (hmmm, found out later that it was 4.40min/km pace! *faint*) with DO, ronnie, DR closely behind. Everyone enjoyed the killer slope @ Vigilante Dr and welcomed the recovery downslope @ Kent Ridge Park. Took a quick water break at Science Hub and picked up the pace as we ran thru SPI. At the junction of South Bouna Vista Rd and SPI, the group was given a choice of 8.5km or 12km route -- wah, first time majority opt for 12km route. So I led them thru SPII, passing my company, and then up a secluded slope back to NUS. Developed stitch at this point and asked the rest to proceed ahead. tktan caught up from behind and I asked him to take over the lead -- he had to chase after the guys infront to direct them to Prince George Park(PGP). Haa haa, the guys that the worse was over until they saw PGP -- never ending upslope when running with low reserve! tktan "effortlessly" ran up the slope while the rest followed behind -- my stitch eased slightly at this point and I slowly "crawl" up the slope. Overtook fennel who was having ITB pain. Before the guys could take a breather, I reached the end of the PGP slopes and took over the lead thru NUH & NUS. cosmic_wind(who DNF @ the last NUS Hill Run) suddenly experience a new burst of energy and took over the lead with DR & DO at SRC. I followed closely behind to shout directions to them. At the final slope, we all chiong up to finish in 1h 3min -- that's a decent 5:30min/km avg pace! Thanks to LM for the post-run isotonic water and tktan for the ice -- all of us gratefully gulped down the ice cold drinks after a tough run :) Everyone was happy to receive the finisher's cert n goodie bag -- consisted of Hokkaido goodies from my recent ski trip.

Took a quick shower and had dinner at King Fisher's Cafe. We ordered dishes from the "Tai Pai Tong" promo -- Stewed Eight-Treasures Chicken, Wok Baked Mongolian Pork Ribs, Rojak Flavoured Prawns, Special Crispy Beancurd, kailan and hot & sour soup. YUMMY! With sotong around, the food was "cleaned out" :P

P.S. It had been a long time since we last ran the 12km route. Siong but shiok :P Thanks to tktan for designing the finisher's cert. It was a fun run with so many runners -- always enjoy showing the rolling hills of NUS :)

Distance : 11.5km
Time : 1h 3min
Avg pace : 5:29min/km


At 1/18/2007 12:19 PM, Blogger The DreamRunner said...

I enjoyed that rolling hills run very much...thanks for the arrangements :)


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